Dentistry at The Heights

Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Full Mouth Reconstruction

Jan 15, 2022 @ 04:48 PM — by Kevin Trotter, DDS
Tagged with: Full Mouth Reconstruction

Prolonged oral health issues can lead to devastating dental damage, tooth loss, and bone atrophy. As a result, many patients find it challenging to eat, speak, laugh, and live confidently with a damaged smile. A full mouth reconstruction repairs dental damage, replaces missing teeth, and supports healthy oral tissues.

At Dentistry at The Heights, we make it our mission to give patients in Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Heights, NY, and surrounding areas the beautiful, healthy smiles that they deserve. Our dedicated team accomplishes this by combining personalized restorative and cosmetic procedures in a full mouth reconstruction.

Our dental team uses cutting-edge technology, contemporary techniques, and quality materials to ensure a successful procedure. But, patients still must consider the benefits and risks of full mouth reconstruction

The Benefits of Full Mouth Reconstruction

There are many benefits of full mouth reconstruction, including;

Improved Oral Health

Our experienced dentists prioritize minimally invasive treatments that preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible. By treating cavities and addressing gum disease, our patients can save their remaining teeth and vastly improve their oral health. 

Enhanced Oral Function and Appearance

Tooth loss affects roughly 120 million Americans. A full mouth reconstruction can replace one, some, or an entire mouth of missing teeth to fully restore patients’ oral function and appearance. 

With options like dental implants, dentures, and dental bridges, our patients can choose versatile tooth-replacement solutions that match their aesthetic, budget, and lifestyle. 

Soft-Tissue, Hard-Tissue, and Joint Support

Tooth loss can lead to noticeable sagging and puckering around the lips and cause remaining teeth to shift from their original position. These two factors don’t just cause patients to look older, but they also cause a slew of other oral health issues, like jawbone atrophy.

A full mouth reconstruction supports the teeth, gums, jawbone, and jaw joint. In turn, patients can expect fewer dental issues, healthier jaws and gums, and more youthful facial features.

The Risks of Full Mouth Reconstruction

The risks of full mouth reconstruction are few, but they still exist, including:

Potential Oral Infections

Infections are always a possibility following surgical procedures, and oral surgery is no exception. Patients who undergo oral surgery during their full mouth reconstruction must take special care to keep the surgical site clean. Our team will send patients home with all the information, medications, and instructions they need to ward off potential infections.

Root Canal Therapy

In some rare cases, an infection can start inside a tooth covered by a restoration, like a dental crown. If this happens, then our team will try to save the tooth with root canal therapy.

Dental Restoration Damage

A full mouth reconstruction can replace missing or damaged teeth with dental restorations. These restorations, however, require the same upkeep and care as natural teeth. Subsequently, patients must replace broken restorations to avoid irritation and infections.

Schedule a Full Mouth Reconstruction Consultation Today

The benefits of a full mouth reconstruction far outweigh the risks. If you’re ready to see how our Brooklyn, NY, dental office can improve your smile and oral health, then schedule a full mouth reconstruction consultation now. New and existing patients may reach us online here or call us directly at (718) 625-2116.