Dentistry at The Heights

A How-to Guide on Dental Implant Aftercare

Jul 30, 2022 @ 09:00 AM — by Kevin Trotter, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that an experienced dental professional surgically places into the jawbone. Once healed, dental implants support realistic restorations, like dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.

The dedicated team at Dentistry at The Heights has decades of experience providing quality tooth-replacement options to patients in Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights, NY. Using advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology, our team can help patients restore their dental function, enhance their oral health, and boost their confidence with dental implants.

Before getting dental implants, patients should understand how to facilitate proper healing after the procedure. Here, our team explores helpful dental implant aftercare tips to limit potential complications during recovery and healing.

How to Control Bleeding and Swelling

It is normal to experience swelling and bleeding immediately following dental implant surgery. Patients can control bleeding and swelling by:

If the bleeding and swelling get worse after 24 hours, contact our dental team immediately.

How to Manage Pain

Many patients experience mild to moderate pain after dental implant placement. Our team may prescribe pharmaceutical-grade painkillers, but many patients find that over-the-counter painkillers are enough to reduce post-operative pain.

Our team suggests taking 600mg of ibuprofen every six to eight hours for up to two days before dental implant surgery. This pain-management regimen can significantly reduce pain following the procedure. It may also limit the need for post-procedural narcotic painkillers.

How to Avoid Infection

The best way to avoid infection is to take all prescription antibiotics before and after dental implant surgery as instructed by our team. However, patients can also avoid infections by:

If you notice increased redness, swelling, discharge, or develop a fever, then call our dental office immediately.

How to Maintain Oral Hygiene

Daily oral hygiene is an important part of dental implant aftercare. However, patients should take some additional precautions while maintaining oral hygiene. For example, patients should:

How to Eat and Drink

Patients should avoid sticky or hard foods while they are healing from dental implant surgery. Instead, they should choose softer foods, like:

Additionally, patients should be mindful of which drinks they consume after dental implant surgery. Patients should avoid:

Patients should restrict their diets for approximately 10 to 14 days following their procedure. After that, patients may introduce foods and drinks back into their diets as they see fit.

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation

With a shockingly high success rate of nearly 98%, dental implants are a superior tooth-replacement option. If you’re ready to discuss dental implants with a skilled professional, then schedule a consultation with the team at Dentistry at The Heights now.

Patients can request their appointment online, or they can call our Brooklyn Heights dental office at (718) 625-2116.